This is a prerelease version of Mac Moria, version 1.0b1, which is based on the Umoria 4.874 sources. Please do not distribute this widely. A finished version will be available shortly. Please send comments and bug reports to wilson@ernie.Berkeley.EDU.
Moria is a dungeon exploration game. The name comes from “The Lord of the Rings” trilogy written by J. R. R. Tolkien. Moria is pronounced with the accent on the first syllable, e.g. MORE-ee-ah. For details on the game itself, please read the Moria Docs file that is distributed along with Moria.
Moria was originally written for VAX/VMS systems. As such, it is heavily dependent on the keyboard for game play. The mouse is not used at all, except for standard things like menus and dialogs. To get a list of the available keyboard commands, hit the ‘?’ key while playing the game.
Some of the commands are specified as being control characters, i.e. saving the game is ^X. To type these characters hold down the control key and then press the appropriate character key. If you do not have a control key, use the command key (apple/cloverleaf key) instead of the control key.
The game also uses the escape key (ESC) quite a bit. If you do not have an escape key on your keyboard, you can use the ` key or the Clear key on the numeric keypad instead. An escape can also by typed as ^[, i.e. control (or command) left bracket.
File Menu
The game fully supports the standard Macintosh file menu. Use New to start playing a new game, or Open to restart a previous game. Save As will always ask you for the name of the file to save your character in. Save will usually save the game in a file with the same name as the name of the current character. If you are playing a new game, or have changed the name of your character, Save will instead ask you for the name of the save file. The Quit option, of course, is used to exit the game.
The File Menu is disabled while saving and restoring games. There is no cause for alarm if you see this occur. After the operation is completed, there will be a prompt that says “press any key to continue”. After you press a key, the File Menu will be reenabled.
Edit Menu
The Edit Menu items are not used by the game. The Edit menu is disabled unless there is a Desk Accessory open.
Screen Menu
If you have a color system, the Color item allows you to choose the background and foreground colors of the game window. The game must use a constant width font, so only the Monaco font is supported. You can, however, specify which point size that you want to use. The menu will list every point size available on your Macintosh for the Monaco font.
Advanced users can choose a different font by using ResEdit or a similar program to edit the STR "Font Name" resource.
Moria Menu
Help brings up this dialog.
Command Set allows you to choose between the original Moria command set and an optional command set similar to the UNIX game Rogue. The main difference between the two is that the original command set uses the numeric keypad for movement, whereas the Rogue-like command set uses the ‘hjkl’ keys for, respectively, left down up and right.
Text Editor allows you to choose the type of TEXT file created by Moria, that is, it allows you to specify which application will be used by the Finder when you open a TEXT file created by Moria. You can choose MacWrite or Microsoft Word files. You can also specify the signature of the desired application if you prefer something else.
High Scores displays all of the scores stored in the scorefile. You can clear these scores by just deleting the High Scores file.
Kill Sheet gives a running count of the number of each type of creature that you have killed. It displays either the count of creatures killed during the current playing session, or the total number of creatures killed by the current character from the time the character was created. Note that only creatures that were visible when they died are included in the counts.
Stats gives a listing of the amount of time you have wasted playing the current character.
Configuration Info
Moria is fully Multifinder compatible/aware. It requires 450 K of memory under Multifinder. The game will run on any Macintosh with 1 Megabyte or more of memory.
Moria comes with a documentation file, called Moria Docs. The Moria Docs file is an explanation of the game system. Please remember to always distribute this file with the game, since it contains much important information.
Moria will create two files when it is run. The High Scores file keeps a list of the scores of all of the previous games. If this file is not present, a new one will be created in the folder which contains the game. This file can be kept either in the folder that contains the application, or in the System Folder.
Moria also creates a file called Moria Config in the System Folder. This file contains all of the configuration info for Moria, such as the size and location of windows, the font size, the command set, etc. This file must remain in the Sytem Folder.
The text displayed when Moria starts up is stored as a TEXT resource. This information can be edited if there is a message that you want all Moria players to see.